

Friday Movie and Discussion

This Friday our weekly meetup at 7pm is hosted by a member to show Valentino’s Ghost on the big TV. Narrated by Michael Farrell, filmmaker Michael Singh’s documentary explores how depictions of Arabs and Muslims have changed from the romanticized image of [...]

By | 2016-04-13T13:16:08-04:00 April 13th, 2016|Front Page, Meetups|Comments Off on Friday Movie and Discussion

Building Community through Art, Assemblage Art Dolls

Psychesdolls, the small yet powerful assemblage figurative collage emerges from the depths of winter to become the focus of a MakerSpace Workshop.Cynthia Swan will facilitate a group meetup on Sunday, May 31st from Noon to 2 pm where you can [...]

By | 2015-05-16T21:26:06-04:00 May 16th, 2015|Front Page|Comments Off on Building Community through Art, Assemblage Art Dolls