maker faire

/Tag:maker faire

Compute Cluster Update

My Project for the Greenbelt Maker Faire is 90% complete. The physical construction, made simple using velcro to attach everything to small Lexan polycarbonate sheets, is done. I plan to custom make some short network cables but that's optional. I've [...]

By | 2016-04-03T21:37:47-04:00 April 3rd, 2016|Front Page, Maker Festival News, Projects|Comments Off on Compute Cluster Update

Closed for Special Events

We're not open this weekend, June 13-14th. We're promoting community makerspaces at the National Maker Faire today, and supporting the maker/art movement at the Kinetic Sculpture Race on Sunday.  Come out and join us to see some stuff you've never seen before, maybe [...]

By | 2015-06-13T13:03:48-04:00 June 13th, 2015|event, Front Page, Maker Festival News, Meetups|Comments Off on Closed for Special Events

National Maker Faire Arrives!

The Washington Metropolitan Area is a hot bed of maker activity with enthusiastic leaders creating spaces, activities, and events to promote and support the "Maker Movement". Last year, we held "mini" (community based) Maker Faires in Silver Spring, Reston, Downtown, [...]

By | 2015-06-11T00:45:32-04:00 June 11th, 2015|Front Page, Maker Festival News|Comments Off on National Maker Faire Arrives!