

Early Registration Now Open for Tech Camps

Registration is now open for our Spring Break and Summer Camps. To reserve a seat at the early bird low low price of $250, please sign up on one of the camp event pages listed under the Camps menu above. [...]

By | 2016-01-18T16:03:30-05:00 January 18th, 2016|Camps, Front Page|Comments Off on Early Registration Now Open for Tech Camps

Need a Summer Project? Think Steam Punk…

We've started the design work for our 2015 entry for the Greenbelt Labor Day festival and parade. It will be hard to top our award winning Turtles in Space! kinetic sculpture from last year! But we have the help of Cody, [...]

By | 2015-07-03T10:59:28-04:00 July 3rd, 2015|Front Page|Comments Off on Need a Summer Project? Think Steam Punk…