The mission of the Greenbelt MakerSpace Cooperative is to provide safe and convenient facilities, equipped with tools and resources, where we offer education and training using the hands-on approach of the maker movement.
The Cooperative is organized as a tax-exempt nonprofit corporation (view our articles of incorporation) explicitly for the 501(c)3 qualified purposes of supporting charity, scientific, and educational purposes (view our IRS tax-exempt application). Subject to IRS approval received in 2016 (view our exemption letter), your donation to support our mission may be tax deductible; please consult your tax accountant on your specific situation.
Use one of the following to make a one-time donation using either PayPal or a credit card.

The general operating fund helps pay for rent, utilities, and supplies. This does not include memberships.
Please contact us online or in person if you would like to set up a monthly recurring donation, or to include the Cooperative in a will or living trust.
You may also stop by the MakerSpace (see directions) to make a donation in person, by cash, credit card or check.
Please use the full legal name of the Cooperative. Checks made to “Club125” or “MakerSpace” can not be accepted.