

Greenbelt Makers Successful Holiday Tool Repair

In the spirit of community and compassion, volunteers from our recent repair cafe had the privilege of turning a heartbreak into joy. It all began with a heartfelt letter from a parent desperately seeking help to revive their daughters' beloved [...]

By | 2024-02-02T14:43:38-05:00 February 2nd, 2024|Blog It, Featured, Front Page, Projects, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Compute Cluster Update

My Project for the Greenbelt Maker Faire is 90% complete. The physical construction, made simple using velcro to attach everything to small Lexan polycarbonate sheets, is done. I plan to custom make some short network cables but that's optional. I've [...]

By | 2016-04-03T21:37:47-04:00 April 3rd, 2016|Front Page, Maker Festival News, Projects|Comments Off on Compute Cluster Update

Can You Make a Laptop Charging Cabinet?

The MakerSpace is in need of a laptop charging cabinet. Such cabinets are horribly expensive, but not too difficult to make for anyone with good craft skills. I.e. not me, I'm a software geek. Currently we just have a pile [...]

By | 2016-03-20T12:18:20-04:00 March 20th, 2016|Front Page, Projects|Comments Off on Can You Make a Laptop Charging Cabinet?