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The Art of 3D Printing

3D printing is an innovative technology that allows you to create a physical item from a digital model. As innovative as the technology is, it certainly isn’t new. 3D printing started in the 80’s, under the name “Rapid Prototyping.” It's [...]

Top 5 STEM Activities for Kids

What is STEM, and why is it important? STEM is a curriculum based on science, technology, engineering, and math, but rather than teach these subjects discretely and separately, STEM integrates the subjects into a cohesive learning paradigm with real-world applications. [...]

Safe Solar Viewer (Again!)

Are you planning on viewing the Solar Eclipse (Monday, August 21, 2017)?  Are you traveling to view the total eclipse?  (Maryland is located outside the total eclipse zone.)  Avoid eye damage by using proper techniques during partial eclipse phases. Join [...]

By | 2017-08-03T12:13:45-04:00 August 3rd, 2017|Citizen Science, event, Featured, Front Page, Get Inspired|Comments Off on Safe Solar Viewer (Again!)

Rubik’s Cube Solver Bot

One of our makers at Just Robotics Summer Camp built a Rubik's Cube Solver Bot.  The robot was based on the Mindcub3r design for LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Robotics Set.MakerSpace has a resident rubik's cube solver that often performs at festivals and [...]

By | 2015-07-16T22:01:12-04:00 July 16th, 2015|Camps, Get Inspired, Robotics, Technology|Comments Off on Rubik’s Cube Solver Bot