Thoughtful Discussion for 8/2/2019
This MakerSpace Thoughtful Discussion Group asks “Which five books would you want with you on a desert island?” Check it out, you could discover some great new reads!
This MakerSpace Thoughtful Discussion Group asks “Which five books would you want with you on a desert island?” Check it out, you could discover some great new reads!
What is a Hero?
Do we have anything to fear but fear itself?
The Friends of Greenbelt Theatre (FGT), The Greenbelt MakerSpace, and The SPACE (Sharing Positive Artistic & Creative Energies, operated by Shaymar Higgs in Beltway Plaza) are entering into a new partnership. MakerSpace is exploring new programming and space-sharing options with [...]
The Repair Cafè, January 19 from 10-4pm, is a free community service offered by a volunteer staff to help people repair their damaged or broken goods. The classroom and workshop areas of the MakerSpace, located next to the Old Greenbelt [...]
Come and learn how to program the latest in mini-computers. An Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Learn from Rick Pries, an Arduino expert, who specializes in interactive projects. An Arudino is an inexpensive, [...]
Join us for the Hour of Code: You will have the chance to add code to a microcontroller to make things happen in the physical world. Check out and we will have the supplies and the know-how to share. [...]
Join us for Slime Camp! Tuesday, November 6th, 2018 is Election day and we are hosting a one day, Slime Camp. The camp will run from 8:30 am till 3:30 pm. There will be no before or after care. The Cost [...]
The fourth Friday of the month (from 7 - 9 p.m.) fans of fermented foods and drinks meet up to talk about preparing fermented ... , er, nourishment. We talk, share what we've made, and make plans for the next [...]
Our second annual meeting of the Greenbelt Makerspace Cooperative membership will be held on Sunday September 30, 2018 at the Greenbelt Makerspace in Roosevelt Center from 4:30pm to 6pm. New and renewal membership is $20/year. MakerSpace Annaual Meeting Dowload [...]