This Week is Tuesday April 17th (today! also: Tax Day!) thru Sunday April 22nd
Whew … Now that the Spring Maker Festival is over (!) I’ll tell you about two (more!) new things.
The monitor wall is working. (You probably didn’t notice it much during the Festival; it was too sunny. That hasn’t been a problem since.)
We’re working on a new site design (to be more mobile friendly, and, you know, just to update the old site.)
Tuesday: A Thoughtful Discussion Group Meetup from 7 to 9 pm
(This apolitical, non-religious discussion group meets weekly for friendly intense discussions. This group is not appropriate for children (thoughtful teenagers, however, are welcome) as intense listening, support, and cheerful banter are expected. A topic is provided for each meeting.) (Tonight, they are discussing “happiness”.)
Wednesday: Fiber Fans from 6 to 9 pm
Thursday: Magic from 7:30 to 9 pm
Friday: Open Projects
Saturday: Junior Makers from 10 am to noon
Sunday: Animation Meetup from 2 to 4 pm