3D Print of the Week

//3D Print of the Week

3D Print of the Week

I know it doesn’t look like much, but every electronics project needs some type of power and not every project can carry along a solar panel or wind turbine. So for small projects, a 3V coin battery is the perfect choice. And costing around a dollar or so, the battery holders are not too expensive. But on the other hand, for just a penny’s worth of plastic and a paperclip, we can save a buck per project. So here is a 3D print of 42 coin holders…

Interested in knowing more about 3D printing? Stop by the Maker Festival on April 14, or drop in at the MakerSpace!

By | 2018-05-29T18:18:28-04:00 April 13th, 2018|Front Page|0 Comments

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