FLL Robotics 2017 Season

//FLL Robotics 2017 Season

FLL Robotics 2017 Season

FIRST LEGO League is a fun competitive team sport in education. Kids, ages 9-14, meet once a week to work together on three projects represented in the FLL triangle. In the Robot Game, the team’s task is to design, engineer, and program a robot to complete a variety of challenges on the competition board. In the Project, the team does research to explore a problem, develop a unique solution, and communicate their result via an engaging skit. This year’s research topic is all about water – how we find, transport, use, or dispose of it. Finally, in Core Values, the team demonstrates their ability to work together, learning that friendly competition and mutual gain are not separate goals, and that helping one another is the foundation of teamwork. Visit the FLL website for more information.

Our first orientation meeting for parents to learn more is Saturday morning, Information Day of the Labor Day weekend.

We expect to have four or five teams this year, meeting at 5pm on either Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. We also have an all girls team that expects to meet Tuesday evenings at 7:30, and we will have a team that meets on Saturday afternoon at 12:30. If there is interest, we can also host a daytime team for home school students.

If you are ready to join the FLL program at the Greenbelt MakeSpace click here:

Sigh Up

By | 2017-08-28T12:15:27-04:00 August 28th, 2017|Front Page|Comments Off on FLL Robotics 2017 Season

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