Build a PC and Linux Install Workshop

//Build a PC and Linux Install Workshop

Build a PC and Linux Install Workshop

Are you in need of a computer system but can’t afford retail prices? There are lots of used equipment out there to be had, but we’ll go one better. Come to our PC build workshop to learn how to refurbish a system and walk away with it for free! That’s called a “win – win” situation. If you happen to have gently used and unused systems laying around the house, laptops or PCs, please consider donating them to the MakerSpace for this project.

Or perhaps you have an old computer that can no longer be upgraded but you would like to keep using it with a supported operating system? Why not use it to try out the Linux operating system? Another win – win! Come learn how to install and use Linux, and worse case you may leave with new knowledge and donate the system to another in need.

Our combined workshop is scheduled for Saturday, May 20 from 1:00-4:00.

By | 2017-05-12T11:26:19-04:00 May 12th, 2017|Front Page|Comments Off on Build a PC and Linux Install Workshop

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