Membership Week Features Quilting 101

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Membership Week Features Quilting 101

Stop in this Sunday to check on this meetup of quilters looking to learn and improve their skills.

Quilting 101 is a six-week class that will enable you to plan and create a simple quilt.  For six Sundays you’ll have hands-on experience of fondling fabric, cutting big pieces into little pieces and sewing them back together, and completing a practical work of art and comfort. Instructors Rose and Pat have combined experience in all types of quilting techniques and designs.

Sign up via email to eva at greenbelt dot com or stop by the MakerSpace to let us know.

Sundays 10:00am-1:00pm, beginning March 19th!




By | 2017-04-06T10:31:15-04:00 April 6th, 2017|Front Page, MakerSpace Facility, This Week, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Membership Week Features Quilting 101

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