Join us this Sunday afternoon at 4:30 for a non-partisan discussion of what gerrymandering is, how it works, how to identify it, and what to do about it. In the process of setting electoral districts, gerrymandering is a practice intended to establish a political advantage for a particular party or group by manipulating district boundaries.
In addition to its use achieving desired electoral results for a particular party, gerrymandering may be used to help or hinder a particular demographic, such as a political, ethnic, racial, linguistic, religious, or class group, such as in U.S. federal voting district boundaries that produce a majority of constituents representative of African-American or other racial minorities, known as “majority-minority districts”. Gerrymandering can also be used to protect incumbents. –Wikipedia
Not sure you understand gerrymandering? This graphic from the Washington Post explains it pretty well:
Check out this graphic of how the Maryland 3rd congressional district has devolved into one of the least fair districts in the country:
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