The first day of spring seems like the perfect day to get out of a slump and start down the path of making great things happen. Yeah, sure, New Year’s day seems to have a stranglehold on this idea. But let’s have a show of hands of everyone who has kept their resolutions alive for the last 80 days. If so, you’ve maybe lasted long enough to create or break a habit. Studies differ on this but what does it matter except to you. So here we are. I’m starting the season off with a challenge to myself. I’m going to blog something here every day, to share information and inspiration. Most, of course, will be about the MakerSpace and the Maker Movement but I reserve the option to post about anything to make it easier to keep the streak going. This is 1.
Would you like to join me? You don’t have to write a lot. A paragraph or two like this is fine. You don’t need a photograph, or you are welcome to post a gallery of photos if you are more visual than verbal. And you don’t have to write about “making” stuff. We’re a community and we certainly all have our own list of favorite topics. Also, this can be a great challenge for kids. Wouldn’t you like to know what is on their minds?
Image credit: Patch forecast of snow