Robotics Team Leading Little Makers

//Robotics Team Leading Little Makers

Robotics Team Leading Little Makers

The Greenbelt MakerSpace robotics team, R5, will be helping out at this week’s Little Makers. The theme for this year’s First Lego League competition is trash, and our FLL team has been researching Styrofoam in particular.
Styrofoam is a big problem because it’s not recyclable and does not biodegrade. The best thing we can do is keep it from going into the landfill, so the team came up with crafts for using Styrofoam instead of throwing it out. This Friday, they’ll be sharing these ideas with our Little Makers and helping them to make crafts out of Styrofoam!
We will be building with foam peanuts and doing some arts and crafts with foam trays.
Little Makers is the second Friday of every month from 5 PM to 6:30 PM.
By | 2016-02-08T16:35:28-05:00 February 8th, 2016|Front Page|Comments Off on Robotics Team Leading Little Makers

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