Ready to Go, Ready to Join Us?

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Ready to Go, Ready to Join Us?

This is a big commitment. Will you back us? Indiegogo campaign to launch soon, if you say yes to the challenge of converting this 1988 Ford Transvan into a 21ft mobile MakerSpace.

Three years ago when we started to focus on the abandoned dry cleaning store at 125 Centerway, we knew we had to go it alone. Almost no one would understand our mission, our vision, and our “business” model to stand behind and support our effort. People in Greenbelt are not shy. They told us so to our face. That was reasonable, as shown by how often our plans and models evolved in the subsequent two years. But we stayed true to our mission and we created the Greenbelt MakerSpace.

Now, this. This project is a logical next phase of our mission, to develop and execute initiatives to promote STEM education and to explore the application of science and technology in projects that engage and enrich local communities. We have built a facility, recruited an awesome volunteer staff, and developed a wonderful array of activities and programs. But…

But we are centrally isolated in Historic Old Greenbelt. We LOVE our location and would not trade it for anything. But we get more outside participants from Bowie, Silver Spring, and Columbia than we do from Greenbelt East, Greenbelt West, or surrounding towns. And our participants are too often from households with above average income. We have too few girls and young women, and too few people of color, to be representative of our community and to be reaching those in most need of our programs.

Creating a mobile space, the Greenbelt MakerWagon, will let us reach more people. People who need help. STEM education for the youth. Vocational training for young adults. Citizen science and technology enhanced projects for everyone. Hands-on embracing of the Maker Movement. Repair Café. Delivered to local schools, churches, community centers, and cul-de-sac neighborhoods. Can you envision what we have in mind?

Will you support our effort to make it happen? Because we can’t go it alone this time. This is truly a community project.

Please share links and posts via email and social media. Thank you!


By | 2015-09-02T12:25:10-04:00 September 2nd, 2015|Front Page, Fundraising|Comments Off on Ready to Go, Ready to Join Us?

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