It is Time to Explore New Neighborhoods

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It is Time to Explore New Neighborhoods

Which kids out there desire access to fun and rewarding programs in science and technology? Which teens need access to vocational or life skills training? Which adults want to see activities that enrich their lives and their neighborhoods?

Help up reach these people, where they live, work, and play. Help us demonstrate the value of a high-tech bookmobile that delivers MakerSpace programs to low-income, at-risk areas of our region. Take a look at the maps and you can see where our 230,000 kids living in low-income or poverty are located. We’re real close. We see them every day on the streets. They can’t reach the Greenbelt MakerSpace very easily. But we can reach them. With your help.

CLICK the button to see more and to help fund this project.



By | 2015-09-07T11:15:26-04:00 September 7th, 2015|Front Page, Fundraising|Comments Off on It is Time to Explore New Neighborhoods

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