Papercraft Art with 4H STEAM Team

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Papercraft Art with 4H STEAM Team

Since meeting them at the April Maker Faire, we have been hosting a series of activities attended by the James McHenry 4-H STEAM Team. Some of the kids are starting to hang out at the MakerSpace. This morning, Bethany leads a large group in learning the basics of origami.

If you have a group, or even just a collection of neighborhood kids or family, and you’d like to get more hands-on experience with STEM and STEAM (art-infused science and tech), please stop in and chat with us, or send us an online message

By | 2015-07-25T14:37:37-04:00 July 25th, 2015|Art, Front Page, Workshop|Comments Off on Papercraft Art with 4H STEAM Team

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