These are Our Dolls

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These are Our Dolls

She calls them “Psychesdolls”, archetypal artistry for Sandplay and Personal Altars. We call them Assemblage Art Dolls. By whatever name, they are easy and fun to make, just 60 – 90 minutes of creative play and you will be in awe of the results.

This group meets once a month, on the fourth Sunday at Noon. But you are welcome to stop in at the MaketSpace and explore this and a variety of other creative activities.

Here are Our Dolls from today…


Here are some more creations by Cynthia Swan, leader of this meetup group:

By | 2015-05-31T19:09:09-04:00 May 31st, 2015|Art, Front Page|Comments Off on These are Our Dolls

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