I Got a Rock

//I Got a Rock

I Got a Rock

Little Makers, pre-K kids, and their families meet up at the MakerSpace on the 2nd Friday of the month, 5-7pm. This week our medium of choice is rocks! Pick out your favorite rock or two, or find a random one on your way down to Roosevelt Center. We will supply everything else to let you explore your creative senses.

P.S. We are looking for a parent or other kid-friendly person to be our host for an additional session of Little Makers, on the 4th Friday of the month. Stop in talk to us about it. Thanks!

Here are some rocky ideas…

[pin_board url=”https://www.pinterest.com/cpk4/pet-rocks/” board_width=”700″]

By | 2015-05-06T12:14:19-04:00 May 6th, 2015|Front Page|Comments Off on I Got a Rock

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