How to Make a Difference

//How to Make a Difference

How to Make a Difference

Share what you know, what you care about, what you love. We hesitate to call our volunteer opportunities by rigid names like teaching a class or conducting a seminar. But our facility is hardly scary and we’re a friendly group of folks. Heck, we have a big screen TV (go CAPS!) and a beer beverage fridge. A professional “seminar” on an IT topic like building a website should be relaxed and enjoyable. We’d also like it to be hands-on and productive. Wait, I started to get technical there. Sorry. Do you know how to plant a garden or are you good with carpentry skills? We recently had a workshop on how to fold paper, origami style. People out there want to know what you know, and we have the place to enable it to happen. Join us.

Next week we have two new six week tech classes starting up. Click on the image or links to learn more and to register for the class.

Adventures in MinecraftOn Tuesday at 8pm, join us to learn how to program in Python. This class assumes no programming background and gives you a fun environment to work in, for both kids and adults. We’re limiting this first in a series to ages 12 and up because we need time to develop the program for younger kids.

A hand holding an Arduino microcontrollerOn Thursday at 7:30, we bring back our world famous (I know because we have folks from all over the world trying to break into our website to learn more about it) introductory class on learning microelectronics using the popular Arduino microcontroller. This little gadget is a great way to get started with manipulating physical objects and environments, using sensors, switches, lights, and motors. Returning students will get support for their next level projects. Lets us know what you would like to work on.

make it happen

By | 2015-05-08T12:08:44-04:00 May 8th, 2015|Front Page|Comments Off on How to Make a Difference

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