I’m just closing up the MakerSpace now, after a 12 hour day with 10 hours of repair work by an amazing volunteer team. We tackled over 60 items and were 90% successful. At $25 per repair, we conservatively provided $1,500 of service today.
We had a few blown thermal fuses in cheap heaters and a hair dryer and those are difficult to repair. In most cases they are hard to reach and riveted into plastic where you can’t easily solder a replacement fuse because of the heat they need to withstand. We also had a floor fan with a blown motor, and a floor lamp with a difficult switch to repair. And we had one CD player that was a sealed case, no way to open it up without using a hammer.
But overall we fixed 90% of the items we saw today. We’re happy with that as were most of our customers. And, you can’t beat the price.