Outdoor Seating Area, Task Two

/, MakerSpace Facility/Outdoor Seating Area, Task Two

Outdoor Seating Area, Task Two

We started our project to create an outdoor seating area in 2012 when we first leased our space and applied for building permits. But we quickly got busy dealing with a long list of challenges (and expenses) associated with the complex nature of converting an abandoned dry cleaning store into an educational activity center, and the project got sidelined.

But this January we revisited the project, resubmitted our request to the city for permission, and we received our permit approval on March 16th. Task one complete!

Task two was to acquire, at a reasonable cost, outdoor fencing for the seating area. We found a collection of slightly used Grosfillex patio fencing on EBay and won the bid on March 19th. Luckily we made the only bid, with a 85% savings over the cost of new fencing. The Grosfillex is the same brand as used across the plaza at the New Deal Café, but they have green which is now out of production and impossible to find. We have black.

After winning the Ebay bid, we were left with the small task of getting the fencing from Blacksburg, Virginia to its new home in Greenbelt…

Can you help us with the expense of this project? Our goal is to raise $1500 to cover the cost of this fencing, outdoor furniture, and some nice planters. Please visit our fundraising page.

By | 2015-03-22T13:51:52-04:00 March 22nd, 2015|Front Page, MakerSpace Facility|Comments Off on Outdoor Seating Area, Task Two

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